
Dr K Arun BDS, MDS

Dentist, Periodontist & Implantologist

Dr. Arun is a highly skilled periodontist and implantologist with years of experience in the field of Dentistry. Dr. Completed his Dental degree (BDS) from Banglore university and completed post graduation (MDS)in periodontics, implantology and laser dentistry from kerala university of health sciences.


Throughout his career, Dr. Arun has been dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease, as well as the placement and maintenance of dental implants. Dr is well expertise in advanced techniques of bone grafting, soft tissue management, and minimally invasive surgical procedures.


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    Mon-Sat 10.00am - 6.00p.m
    Sun 10.30am - 3.00p.m
    +91 9447152428